12 Hours in New York

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I hardly ever take advantage of layovers. Even on 8-12 hour layovers, I’d rather not risk the stress of getting to city center, carrying my most likely overstuffed carry on, and stressing about getting back in time to re-check in and get on my flight. Maybe I’m not brave or maybe I’ve just seen everything possible go wrong when it comes to travel and I’d rather miss the stress. There is always work to get done on the computer anyways.

However, when I had a 12-hour layover in New York city on my way to Scotland, I thought I could risk it and meet my cousin downtown for lunch. We had a lovely take out in a park right next to the Flatiron building. But it seemed no sooner had I made my way there, I was traipsing back towards the train. Was it worth it, maybe? But I’ve always wanted to go to New York and couldn’t say no to getting a taste for the city. However, if there is one thing I learned about New York is that there are NO public restrooms.

Kerry Wade