Detroit Eastern Market

Yes, I know I am not longer in Michigan. Since then, I have packed up my entire life, flown from one coast to the other, traveled on public transportation with a fish, started a new job, and drunk gallons of tea. While I love moving and all the adventures and recreating it provides, I am exhausted. But I am really enjoying this little corner of the Internet that I have created and so I want to be a good steward of this little blog. Also, I love all these photos, they are quirky and blurry and full of life. So without further ado, these are the colors of the Detroit Eastern Market as seen from my iphone:

The Detroit Eastern Market was full of color, free samples, beautiful jewelry, even more beautiful people, excitement, veggies, community, graffiti, and all things smiles. 

After the market we made our way to the Detroit Public Library and the Detroit Institute of Art because libraries and art museums are like bottled sea air that refresh my soul. I am not so concerned with seeing every piece of art, but I always try and get a warm drink in museum cafes because those always seem to be the best. 

Also, heaven upon heaven, there was a Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone movie in the park; we brought tacos and blankets. Needless to say, my heart was happy. 

Thanks for reading this quirky little blog post. I hope to be doing some more on this blog soon, so stay posted and enjoy the last of these summer days before fall is fully upon us. 

Kerry Wade